Therapy for Depression

Therapy for Depression

Therapy for Depression is a proactive way to start on a path toward a healthier, more fulfilled life. At South Bay Counseling LCSW PC, we have the experience to help you. Depression is more than just feeling sad or moody; it can actually manifest itself in our body in several different ways. It affects our mood, the way in which we think, our behaviors, our sleep patterns, and can even cause physical ailments throughout the body and more. If you believe that you experience depression due to sadness, lack of motivation, and low self-esteem, or if a loved one has been exhibiting behaviors such as lack of enjoyment for once loved things, boredom, apathy, fatigue, mood swings, excessive sleeping, or insomnia, it might be time to seek treatment from a professional who can help.

At South Bay Counseling LCSW PC, our therapists are experienced enough to go beyond the typical methods of listening and validating your feelings. We use creative methods to help you connect to your thoughts, feelings, behavior, and to those around you. These methods can overcome isolation and help you recover your life.

What are the signs and symptoms that I need depression therapy?

When you notice that you are having trouble functioning—getting out of bed, managing daily chores, completing tasks at work, not enjoying activities that you used to enjoy, or difficulty in focusing and making decisions—you should consider therapy. Other possible signs of depression include: lack of sleep or too much sleep; loss of appetite or overeating; an increase in irritability; and sarcasm or hopelessness which may also be an indicator that your mood is depressed.

How does therapy treat depression?

When you are depressed, you lose insight into ways to feel better. You lose sight of hope and future possibilities. You become doubtful and unsure of how to help yourself. You may believe you are beyond help. When you come to your therapy session each week, your therapist can help you reframe what is going on in your life so that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Talking brings validation of your struggles and ultimately relief from your pain. With some effort, you can begin to feel more hopeful, empowered, and motivated to bring about change in your life.

Do I still need medication even if I go to depression therapy?

You may. Talking to your therapist will help you decide on a path. And seeing a psychiatrist may be something you decide to do to get another opinion.

Do I have to continue going to depression therapy even after I feel better?

Once you feel better, that is the right time to work on prevention of the reoccurrence of symptoms. Ending therapy can be decided mutually between yourself and your therapist.

Can I get help paying for my depression therapy?

Some clients use health insurance for therapy. Otherwise, therapy is paid for by the client.

Behavioral therapy for depression.

One of the many methods of treating depression is to engage in talk therapy commonly referred to as psychotherapy. At South Bay Counseling LCSW PC, we have years of experience in conducting therapy for depression, including methods such as cognitive therapy, insight-oriented therapy, behavioral therapy, problem-solving therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. In our session, we will observe your thought processes and behaviors and offer you a fresh and new perspective on your life and relationships. Our goal is to help you overcome and find better ways to help you deal with daily stressors.

If you or someone who is close to you is experiencing the symptoms of depression, we invite you to take a moment and take our quick assessment. Once completed, give us a call at (631) 264-0058 or fill out our appointment request form to schedule an appointment.

If you or someone you love is having suicidal thoughts please call the Long Island Crisis Hotline for immediate assistance at (516) 826-0244.